About Conservation
We are fortunate to have a rare diversity of habitats which stretches from the intertidal foreshore, through farmland, woodland and moorland, right up to the montane. Our overarching aim is to restore connectivity through a mosaic of habitats, we have switched to more extensive and regenerative farming practices and have an annual programme of enhancing wetland availability. We are one of only 7 Estates in Scotland that have achieved a silver accreditation with Wildlife Estates Scotland. This award focuses on enhancing biodiversity and best practice land management and remains a key focal point for many of the environmental projects we undertake.
Carbon Footprint
We are committed to looking at ways to ensure that the Estate continues to reduce our carbon footprint by focusing on the amount of energy that we current use. We are part of the Allt Goblach LLP, a run of the river hydroelectric plant and are constantly looking at other green energy solutions.
Carbon capture through the restoration of our peat bogs and uplands along with the planting of new indigenous forests is a focal point in our strategy to ensure that we continue to further develop our own carbon store whilst also enriching the habitats for the numerous species that thrive on the Estate. The Estate’s last carbon audit showed that we are already a carbon positive business however we believe that there is more that can be done to help protect the environment.